News and events


The first quarter of 2021


An Equine Affair

It has been a year since my equine affair began, and I have picked up new skills and learned many invaluable lessons. Mostimportantly, realising that horse […]

Practice makes perfect, if you do it right

In 2008, Malcom Gladwell published his book, Outliers. In it, he talks about the Ten Thousand Hour Rule: to become an expert in any field, you […]

Canter Chronicles: The Things I’m Doing While I’m “just sitting there”

Every equestrian has heard it: “Horse riding isn’t a sport; the horse does all the work, and you just sit there”. Of course, we know it […]

“A winner is a loser who tried one more time”


Canter Chronicles: Redefining good riding as good sportsmanship

Three things happened recently in my riding life. I took part in my first ever training show where I jumped the 20 and 40cm classes. A […]